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About Us




About Us

BRYSS Academy is the South Texas component of the Raul Yzaguirre Schools for Success (RYSS), a Houston-based charter school district that was established by the Tejano Center for Community Concerns in 1996. Initially, the Tejano Center’s vision was to provide the highest quality education for children living in the center’s surrounding neighborhoods. That vision was later expanded, and BRYSS Academy was one of the first open-enrollment charter schools in Brownsville approved by the Texas Education Agency. 

For more than 20 years , BRYSS Academy has been dedicated to providing an educational program to students in PK-3-8th Grade that is comprehensive, rigorous and relevant. BRYSS is committed to shaping the minds and hearts of students to help them become valued and productive members of the Brownsville Community. We provide a safe and positive learning environment where we foster respect and relationships, so that students feel that adults and peers care about their learning as well as them as individuals. BRYSS Academy students are resilient and persist when facing challenges. Our students are kind, motivated and determined. 

We believe we are greater together.


We the faculty, staff and community of BRYSS Academy are committed to facilitating a student-centered education. The pursuit of excellence is aimed at developing independent thinkers in a collaborative atmosphere by promoting self-respect, kindness and a love of learning.


BRYSS Academy will be an innovative school in which students attain critical skills and become lifelong learners using technology integration and empowered student-centered learning.


Relationships- Resiliency-Respect-Results

School Demographics

BRYSS Academy serves 540 students.

Student Data

Ethnicity Hispanic 100%

Male 48%

Female 52%

Low Socioeconomic Status 98%

English Language Learners 70%

Economically Disadvantaged 98% 

English as a Second Language 12%

At risk 95%

Special Education 5%

Annual Attendance Rate 95%  

Staff Data

Ethnicity Hispanic 100%

Male 15%

Female 85% 

Average Years of Experience 6 

Highly Qualified Status Attainment 100%

Student Achievement

BRYSS Academy students have risen to the challenge year after year. Our students have met numerous goals these past years.

BRYSS Academy is an "A" rated campus receiving six out of six distinctions by the Texas Education Agency in 2022.

Despite the absence of accountability ratings from TEA for the 2022-2023 school year, BRYSS Academy has achieved an "A" Rating, based on data obtained from the  Agency.

BRYSS Academy

Met Standard Performance—TEA Accountability




Difference +/-

All Subjects
















Social Studies


